Thinking of purchasing a condo or co-op in Washington, DC, but worried about your furry four-legged friends? Finding a pet-friendly condo can be difficult. Well, I am here to help! Send me an email with your pet info (size, breed, age) and let's get to work.
Tips for buying a home with a dog
- Know the policies in the jurisdiction and homeowners or condo association to be sure you can comply.
- Look for a neighborhood where many residents have dogs — they’ll be more accepting of your pet.
- Look for a neighborhood with pet-friendly retailers and restaurants.
- Look for the closest dog parks.
- Check out doggy day-care options in the area if you’ll need them.
- If you opt for a high-rise, know where you can walk your dog and whether your dog is comfortable in elevators.
- If you can’t find a yard with a fence, find out how much it will cost and whether you are allowed to build one.
- Be careful to check out the stairs if your dog has trouble climbing them.
Tips for selling a home with a dog
Decide whether your dog will be okay to stay in a crate while your home is being shown or if you can walk the pet whenever someone wants to see it.
- Consider boarding your dog with friends or a family member while your home is on the market.
- Be aware of dog odors — have a friend without pets do a “sniff test” to see whether you’ve done enough cleaning.
- Have your carpets, curtains and upholstery cleaned or replaced if necessary.
- An air duct cleaning might be necessary to remove dog odors.
- Put away dog toys, leashes and other clutter when showing your home.
- Check for dog damage such as scratched floors and ripped screens or trampled bushes, and make repairs.
Source: The Washington Post- Pet owners face unique challenges when buying and selling a home